As we wheel into the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day under such concerning circumstances in the world, we want to share with you this inspiring piece, created by an Ocean Matters Team Ocean Youth Leader, Connor Webb, age 17. Connor sent us this poem as a reflection of his experience doing coral restoration in Key Largo with Ocean Matters through our Florida Marine Ecology Expedition, a joint project with the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Thank you, Connor, and the other teenagers who show up for healthy oceans, for bringing your heart, mind and hands to this work.
Connor and his other Team Ocean Teen Leader peers have created an ocean advocacy film, which we hope to share with you as soon as we can gather together in places across the globe for a special simulcast. Stay tuned for more information!! Subscribe to the blog to be sure to not miss out.
Our Belonging Places
Teenagers have taught us time and again over the years of doing this marine science through service work together, that fixing broken things can be part of finding our own way back to health.
For more reflections on this, read Earth Day, Anniversaries and Our Belonging Places from Ocean Matters founder and executive director Laura Parker Roerden.
A Tribute to Peter Yarrow
Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul & Mary is one of our founding directors of Ocean Matters. Peter has over his amazing career stood up for a more just and sustainable world for all in so many beautiful ways that it defies imagination. He is the definition of humility, commitment and service, as someone who has taken his enormous celebrity and used it for others.
Peter, Paul & Mary played at that first Earth Day, 50 years ago today! On this important anniversary, we offer this in Peter’s honor set to Peter himself singing, as a small thank you for his tireless work, leadership and most importantly for breathing life into issues in ways that touch our hearts and light a way forward together. Thank you to our other amazing founding director National Geographic underwater photographer Brian Skerry for his inspiring work and support over the years and for many of the images used in this tribute.
Support Youth!
Ocean Matters is building Team Ocean, a group of youth leaders who serve on behalf of the health of our oceans. Celebrate youth and their important work fixing what is broken through a donation or a purchase of this Blue Marble Flag.
Thank you!